Thursday, September 24, 2009


For any of you who have checked into my blogs recently, you may have noticed me bouncing from one page to another. I don't want to keep all of my stuff on the same page, so I create another page or blog to keep up with the various things going one.

Well, my most current thing is a page set aside for photos of my family and friends. I normally don't spend time worrying about these photo's, but lately it seems easier to put them on a page where everyone can access them, instead of taking the time to send them to each person individually. There is alot of work in trying to put seperate emails together for just a few photos so this will really save me alot of time.

If you stop by here, take the time to look at my newest page.. I will be adding things as I have time.

Have a wonderful day everyone, and may God Bless each and everyone of you as you go about your day.


Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Katrena:)

I have visited your new site and checked the photos. It is a wonderful idea to have a separated site for family and friends because it is easily accessible.

Your have shown great expertise and skill is shooting these photos. They are fantastic.

I find there is no place to post a comment in your new site.

Have a good day Kat:)

Kat said...

Good Morning Joseph, I pray all is well for you on this wonderful Wednesday. Thanks for your insight on my new photo page. I take great joy in my niece and nephew, and there most of the photos are of them. They are 2 of the most precious people in my life. Chase is my nephew, and the cute little blond in the pictures with him is my niece Annika. One is 7 and the other is almost 4. The photo labeled Troy is my cousin who passed away last summer. It was a very sad situation and a great loss for everyone. I hesitated to put him on there, but then decided that he is family just the same, and I want to share with everyone his last few days. :o( The one labeled Tyler, that is my son. As you can tell, we do try to have fun, when he isn't acting like the terrible teenager. LOL LOL LOL. You can comment under the photos the same way you did on my other pages,as long as you are signed in. If that doesn't work, please let me know. I will be adding more photos as I have time. Its getting alot colder here as the weather moves towards fall and winter, so I wont be out and about as much. Hopefully in that time, I will find more time to work on my photos and maybe even get some printed and framed. You've had some wonderful photos up there lately, and I enjoy seeing all the diffent places and people that you find to put on there. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next. Have a wonderful day Joseph, may it be full of all of Gods wonderful blessings!!! Kat

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Katrena:)

I wish you and your family a wonderful Christmas and a happy, prosperous New Year:)

Joseph Pulikotil said...

Hi Kat:)

Greetings and good wishes:)

I hope and pray that all is well with you and your family.

Best wishes:)