Tuesday, May 26, 2009

too busy for God

Do you ever feel like you are too busy for God... I seem to feel like that alot lately. I put a name to this post weeks ago, and to make my point, I'm even too busy to write about it. I feel like life consumes so much of my time, that I have to really be paying close attention to hear God talking to me. He makes His wispers loud enough to get my attention, but often times I'm too busy to do what He needs me to do because, I'm busy running here and there.

I try so hard to do things for other people, always thinking about others and what I can do to help, or just bring them something that might make them smile as they go about their day... I know God wants us to take care of others and do things for them, because what they see in our actions as Christians might just be the tool they need to give their life over to God..... The thing is, I feel like I spend so much time doing my own stuff, or doing stuff for others, that I completely forget to wake up in the morning and tell God thank you for the life He gives me each and every day. He provides me the tools needed to take care of His children and yet I put them before Him....

There are days that I have so much going on that I barely wake up because I am so tired, and I fall asleep more tired than when I wake up, and where in the middle of all this chaos do I find time to just say "Sorry for my daily mess ups, and sorry for not putting you first."

I do mean well, and I do try and do these things with God in mind, but still, all I see is my selfish "self" and I'm sure He feels the same way.... And yet, I still find Him wispering in my ear, directing me to do something else, that will help someone else along the way. In the midst of all my choas, He is still an Awesome God, and although I know I deserve none of the Love that He provides me daily, He is still watching out for me and showing me how much He loves me, EVEN WHEN I AM SO SELFISH THAT I CANNOT FIND THE TIME TO RETURN THAT LOVE BACK TO THE ONE WHO IS " I AM; ALMIGHTY GOD" Thank goodness He does not give up on the sinners. :0)

1 comment:

Mel said...

Happy Tuesday, Kat! :) Yes, I've been there, quite frequently. I don't to nearly as much to help others, though, as you do. You're an inspiration and a blessing to all who know you, Kat. God knows that all that you're doing is motivated by your love for Him. He's smiling on you, Dear One. :)
